Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

DQ14_Criminal Law

DQ14_Criminal Law

Q Review the stories/videos about the controversial homicide cases in the course content for this week. What level of homicide charge is appropriate? Why?

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The case of the seven year old Katie Flynn is one of the most heart wrenching cases of the homicide history. Katie Flynn was a seven year old girl who was vibrant and beautiful. She was the flower girl at her aunt’s wedding. After the wedding was over she boarded on the Limousine along with the other family members. They were driven home in the Limousine by Stanley Rabinowitz, who also lost his life in that fatal accident. A pickup truck came towards them straight from the wrong direction as shown in the video which was installed in the Limousine. It was not possible for the driver of the car to understand that suddenly a truck will come in front of them and crash. The driver of the car died on the spot and every member of the family suffered pretty bad injuries.